Speaking Fluent Finance with Wilson Muscadin | BiggerPockets Money Podcast #96

Описание к видео Speaking Fluent Finance with Wilson Muscadin | BiggerPockets Money Podcast #96


Wilson Muscadin grew up knowing how to handle money. His father assigned him “book reports” rather than simply giving him an allowance. But the books he read were personal finance books, like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Millionaire Next Door and Think and Grow Rich.

Unsurprisingly, Wilson learned a lot from reading these books. Well played, Dad Muscadin. Wilson handled his finances intelligently through high school and into college, where he saw so many friends making ridiculous mistakes with their money. Things like charging pizza and gas - and not paying off the credit card bill at the end of every month!

He graduated with very little undergrad debt and worked in corporate insurance, but always wanted to teach people about finance. Back to school for an MBA at Duke - and more than $100,000 in student loan debt!!!

Wilson’s path to teaching people how to fix their finances was cemented when a random Facebook post about paying off his student loan debt (4 months after his first son was born) garnered more comments and questions than the post about the birth of his child!

Wilson paid off his debt, now has two sons, moved across the country and is dedicated to helping more people understand how money works, and break the cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck so they can become financially free.

Check the full show notes here: https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/bi...


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