Zen Idle game start

Описание к видео Zen Idle game start

I made this video for some friends in Discord. If you're not familiar with this game, this video may seem utterly pointless to you.

Here's a typical early game run. I only captured the first 10 minutes to give an idea of how and why I choose the value over speed options.

I usually go ahead and spend the 10 gems for the speed boost to start, because spawn times are REALLY long at ball value 150+ but by the time the buff wears off, I need not bother with it anymore. Also, if you're just looking for fast prestige gains, you can make one boost last for 2-3 runs. Perhaps less if you're not quite as far along as me. My general rule of thumb is if I plateau, and make no significant progress in a 5 minute span, I prestige, unless it's a tourney or challenge.


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