Organizational Communication

Описание к видео Organizational Communication

Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another to create a shared understanding and feeling. The word communication actually comes from the Latin word communicare, meaning to share or make common. Communication does not mean agreeing, only that information is transmitted and received as it was intended.

Nonverbal communications are not spoken or written. Some of the strongest and most meaningful communications are nonverbal - a fire alarm, a smile, an emoticon, a red traffic light, or a look of anger on someone’s face. Body language is a body movement such as a gesture or expression that conveys information to others. Research suggests that in a typical face-to-face communication exchange 7 percent of the total message is conveyed by the words, 38 percent of the total message is conveyed by vocal intonation, and 55 percent of the total message is conveyed by facial and body expressions.

For communication to be effective and meaningful, then, all three parts of the message need to be congruent. If any of the three parts are incongruent, conflicting messages are being sent. When body language is inconsistent with the spoken message, receivers are more likely to interpret your body language as the “true meaning.” Consciously controlling your body language is as important a managerial skill as knowing how to interpret others’ body language.

Many barriers exist to good communications that are beyond your control, but improving your communication skills can help to overcome these barriers.

Active listening plays an important role in communication and is especially important for effective leadership. It requires becoming actively involved in the process of listening to what others are saying and clarifying the meaning of messages if they are unclear. Both parties should engage in active listening until it is clear that each understands the final message.

Communication skills are critical to effective management and organizational performance.


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