【FULL FEATURE】燈火通明 ׀ City Ablaze ׀

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【FULL FEATURE】燈火通明 ׀ City Ablaze ׀ 無家者被丟家當 入稟控告政府獲賠100元 ׀ 紀實 ׀ Documentary ׀ The WELL


本影片跟隨一群無家者逾一年,紀錄一群無家者與法庭之間的距離,面對漫長的審訊過程,他們的心情由憤怒到失落、無力,直至沮喪,14名無家者,有人未等及官司開審已去世;有人因留醫未能前來;也有人在過程中失去聯絡 ……

On the eve of the winter solstice three years ago (December 21, 2019), was a cold winter’s day. Without prior notice, the LCSD and the police chased away the homeless people who were sleeping in the area of Tung Chau Street Park in Sham Shui Po, and discarded their belongings. With the assistance of social worker Ng Wai-tung, 14 homeless people filed a petition to the Small Claims Tribunal against the government for justice.
This feature follows a group of homeless people for more than a year, and records the distance between the homeless and the court. Facing the long trial process, their mood has changed from anger to loss, powerlessness, and even depression. Among 14 homeless people, some passed away before the trial began; some were unable to come for being hospitalized, while some were not in contact in the process ...

#香港 #無家者

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