Star Wars: ReSpecialized Editions (How I Put the Original Trilogy Back Together)

Описание к видео Star Wars: ReSpecialized Editions (How I Put the Original Trilogy Back Together)

A whole smorgasbord of fan edits exist of the holy Trilogy. I own a lot of them myself, so this isn't something new. It's more of a way of re-evaluating the Special Editions from 1997, 2004 and 2011 in a post Despecialized Editions world.

While there still hasn't been an official re-release of the OT since 1995 Harmy, Team Negative 1 and others have allowed us access to some often stunning rebuilds of the untampered films. And folks like Adywan have tinkered with them further.

I've been fixated on the idea of some kind of Blu Ray box set containing multiple editions, lovingly remastered by professionals. And the years have gone by and that hasn't happened. Now Disney are all set to release the Saga in 4K but I have a sneaky feeling the word "Maclunkey" is going to be in there somewhere.

So I went back and looked at the versions I've shunned for years, safe in the knowledge I have access to fan--made "GOUT"-style presentations and asked Were these additions all bad? And if I was going to make my own, trimming and editing along the way, what would I leave in and what has to go?

I own absolutely nothing, Disney owns everything and this is a work of analysis.


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