An Exclusive Interview With Fr. Louis Matar the Caretaker of St. Maron Monastery, Annaya-Lebanon

Описание к видео An Exclusive Interview With Fr. Louis Matar the Caretaker of St. Maron Monastery, Annaya-Lebanon

An exclusive interview with Fr. Louis Matar, the caretaker of St. Maron Monastery in Annaya, Lebanon. In this conversation, Fr. Matar shares insights on St. Sharbel’s intercession and recounts various miracles and healings. With over 29,400 recorded miracles, including 10 percent involving unbaptized individuals, we discover how saint Sharbel transcends borders, religions, and beliefs (Sunni, Shiite, Druze, Yazidi, Alawite, Sikh, Buddhist, Jew …), extending the Lord’s miracles, through his intercession, to people worldwide.

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Healing of a Syrian man living in Stockholm from heart disease
05:51 Intercession of the saint
07:36 Healing of a Lebanese man from AIDS
11:22 Healing of a child from Karbala, Iraq, born with one leg shorter than the other
13:05 Healing of a Muslim Shiite young man from autism
15:43 Healing of a Lebanese Sunni Muslim girl from skin cancer
18:43 Healing of a Lebanese Druze man from paralysis in the hand
19:51 Healing of a child in Australia from Niemann-Pick disease
22:31 Healing of a Brazilian young woman from blindness
23:32 Healing of a blind, deaf, mute, and paralyzed Syriac Orthodox girl residing in Holland
26:54 Healing of an eight-year-old girl, daughter of a Filipino woman working in Lebanon, from blood cancer
30:42 Healing of the mother of a Filipino woman working in Lebanon from heart artery blockage
32:56 Healing of a couple from infertility
35:04 Healing of a child from kidney cancer
36:32 Healing of a Lebanese newborn from heart ventricular septal defect
39:04 Healing of a paralyzed and deaf four-year-old Lebanese girl
40:17 Conclusion
41:37 Closing

#FamilyOfSaintSharbelusa #SaintSharbel #SaintCharbel #miracle #healing #Annaya #Catholic
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