Whats Next? - Canon Law and Lay Involvement in Church Governance

Описание к видео Whats Next? - Canon Law and Lay Involvement in Church Governance

What's Next?: Canon Law and Lay Involvement in Church Governance
The law of the Church can be a support or a hindrance to lay involvement in the governance of the Church. This presentation will take a look at Canon Law as it relates to transparency, governance and accountability of clergy and hierarchy with suggestions for what needs to move us toward a Church in which all baptized believers have a voice in decisions affecting their lives in the Church.

Speaker: Thomas Doyle

Speaker Biography: Thomas Doyle is a priest, canon lawyer, writer for National Catholic Reporter, addictions therapist and long-time supporter of justice and compassion for clergy sex abuse victims.

Rev. Thomas P. Doyle, who has a doctorate in canon law and five master’s degrees, sacrificed a rising career at the Vatican Embassy to become an outspoken advocate for church abuse victims. Since 1984, when he became involved with the issue of sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy while serving at the Embassy, he has become an expert in the canonical and pastoral dimensions of this problem—working directly with victims, their families, accused priests, and Church officials.


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