
Описание к видео Skyline

Rarely for me I have revisited a jam, this one submitted for this weeks Hardware Jams weekend Challenge. Quite pleased with this little tune, added some extra layers and variations using the excellent Circuit Tracks scene memory.
Minimal beat on the TR8s, easy to vibe with muting tracks and added variations on the Neutron bassline and the randomised Microfreak arp.
Fun doing the challenge but 5 minutes doesn't seem long enough these days hence the longer version.
Recent addition of this little Mackie mixer is proving to be very enjoyable, aux1 send/return to the KP3+ ping pong delay and aux2 to the CDR pedal for church reverb and tape echo across the whole mix is entirely fruity.
Visited Hong Kong many years ago and watched the lightshow from across the river. Not usually impressed by 'touristy' stuff but this clearly made an impression...
#dawless #hardwarejam #jamfam


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