Smallville (2001- 2011): What Happened to this Show?

Описание к видео Smallville (2001- 2011): What Happened to this Show?

We all love a good superhero origin story. Sure, it's great to see Spider-Man swing from buildings, but it’s what Uncle Ben tells a young Peter Parker that touches us all. We all love seeing Batman kick the Joker's teeth in, but we are all fascinated by that tragic night in crime alley. So it’s no surprise that the first and greatest superhero of all time should have a TV show about what defines him. There is a reason why Clark Kent is the best of us. While Batman may be the ultimate example of physical perfection, Superman is the pinnacle of the goodness of humanity. But fans have always debated: is Superman Clark Kent, or is Clark Kent just a disguise? I have always argued Superman is just a cape; Clark is the hero who wears it. Smallville is the case for my belief in what makes Superman the greatest superhero in the world. The series followed a young Clark Kent's journey to becoming the savior of humanity. On the flip side, we also saw how one man could never escape his fate of becoming the world's most heinous criminal. Tragically, two friends who would wind up on opposite sides of good and evil. But have I built up the show into some kind of forgotten masterpiece? Or am I just drunk on kryptonite? Let's find out in this episode of Gone But Not Forgotten.

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