Beyond the Buzz Words: What you need to know about electrifying healthcare central utility plants

Описание к видео Beyond the Buzz Words: What you need to know about electrifying healthcare central utility plants

‘Electrification’ – an emerging new buzz word in designing and managing healthcare energy systems. However, why is electrification gaining momentum, particularly related to central utility plants (CUPs). How is this both a resilience and decarbonization strategy and how the heck do you pull it off in a responsible and effective manner? Join us for this in-depth exploration of two hospitals actively on the path towards electrifying their central utility plants – hear from the owners, the general contractor, and yes, the engineers who are navigating challenges and staying the course.

1. Identify the future-ready resilience benefits of electrification and on-site energy storage.
2. Unpack the complication of the grid transmission dilemma and energy supply timing issues.
3. Assess benefits of pursuing electrification in areas of the country with inexpensive energy.
4. Understand the real estate implications typically due to bigger and or larger quantity of equipment, in addition to operational challenges.
5. Fully grasp the long-term opportunities of electrifying CUPs.

Watch this BCC Webinar to hear the first-hand lessons learned on the path towards electrifying CUPs and solicit answers to your questions regarding your own facility or project.


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