CME Preview: Equity & Inclusion in Healthcare Conference 2019

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Cathy Fraser, Chief Human Resources Officer at Mayo Clinic, invites you to attend Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare Conference 2019, October 25-26 in Rochester, Minn.

This innovative multidisciplinary program is designed to empower those interested in advancing health equity and in supporting diversity and inclusion in the healthcare workforce. Participants and faculty include healthcare providers, individuals involved in talent acquisition and development, diversity and inclusion practitioners, supervisors, and hospital leadership and administrators. Participants have an opportunity to learn evidence-based processes that identify and address bias as it affects patient care, health equity and the workforce. Keynote presentations, roundtable discussions, and experiential workshops are led by topic experts.

The faculty represent diversity and inclusion cross-sector trailblazers within top companies and healthcare organizations. The program highlights strategies, policies, and practices shown to contribute to inclusive workplace environments and to enhance engagement, recruitment, development, advancement and retention of women and minorities. Social determinants of health, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and other characteristics that contribute to health disparities are explored and methodologies to mitigate them are discussed. New this year, two themed mini-symposia on African Americans and women in the health care workforce and as patients.


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