How to Talk about Your Childhood: grow up, bring up, take after and more

Описание к видео How to Talk about Your Childhood: grow up, bring up, take after and more

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There's at least one thing we all have in common. We were once younger! In this lesson, you'll see some common verbs that are used to ask and talk about CHILDHOOD.

Let's look at a few here:
to grow up: to get older and mature from a child to an adult

to bring someone up: to raise, care for, provide for a child as he or she gets older

to take after someone: to resemble an older relative, usually a parent

to name someone after: to give someone the same name as another person or place, often an older relative or idol

to go through a phase: to have different behavior or likes and dislikes for a period of time

Check out these examples:
I grew up in Ottawa.
I was raised by my mother in a small town on the East Coast.
I take after my mom, but I have my dad's smile.
My brother was named after our paternal grandfather.
I went through a phase of sleeping 12 hours a night!

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