Tip 1: Mountain Hunting Physical Preparation

Описание к видео Tip 1: Mountain Hunting Physical Preparation

Tip 1: Mountain Hunting Physical Preparation
Physical Preparation for a mountain hunt is my #1 tip. If there's one way you can move the needle on your success, this is it. My other tips are also critical, but this is where I see most people can increase their success and improve their experience in the mountains. I'll tell you how to become the best hunter you can be.

%% Thanks for supporting my channel. These are affiliate links. You can trust that I stand behind each of the brands here!

Add some adventure to your life with an Alpacka Raft. Use the code YUKON20 for a great discount on one of their BHA Series rafts: https://www.alpackaraft.com/collectio...
Vortex Wear: I love the casual clothing from Vortex Optics. Use the code WILDYUKON to save some cash for your next pair of Razor UHD 10x42s, my favorite binoculars: https://vortexoptics.com/more-product...
Stoked Oats: You can't go wrong with these oats! Use the code WILDYUKON10 to save some nickels: https://www.stokedoats.com/?sca_ref=6...

%% Download my tripod guide to learn about all the pieces in my system: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...

%% Learn more about my Gunwerks rifle platform: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
%% Get yourself ready for hunting season with my Power Hunter Fitness Program: 💪💪💪 https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
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🥾⛰️ Find yourself a great pair of boots from @ZamberlanOutdoorItaly at https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
🥾⛰️ My Mountain Hunting boots: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
🥾⛰️ My Mountain Hunting boots for Canadians 🇨🇦: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
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Hearing Protection from AXIL. I wear AXIL hearing protection whenever I am at the range or hunting, and you should, too. Follow these links for a 35–⁠50% discount!
My hunting hearing protection 👂, GS Extreme 2.0: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
For the range 👂, TRACKR Muffs: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
Vortex Wear: I love the casual clothing from Vortex Optics. Use the code YUKON20 to save some cash for your next pair of Razor UHD 10x42s, my favourite binoculars: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...
Grab yourself a dynamite 🧨 wallet with a discount: https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com.... Use the code GREG for your discount!
Air Armor Tech: Grab your discount on Air Armor Tech's unique scope covers and other incredible cases. You've never seen anything like AAT's gear: GMWY-AAT-15 from https://link.gregmchaleswildyukon.com...

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