APA League Night | 9 Ball Match | Kelli v Miguel | SL 3 v SL 4 | Commentary

Описание к видео APA League Night | 9 Ball Match | Kelli v Miguel | SL 3 v SL 4 | Commentary

Kelli faces off against a 4 and (hopefully) learns that you can't let up or let the game get to you when things start to turn. Also, keep them separated.
Hope you enjoy!

I'll be attempting to do 2 of these each week unless I'm at an event or on vacation for a while. For now, Tuesday morning and Friday evening PST release times.

Be sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already. Doesn't cost a thing and really helps the channel grow. Also, drop an emoji in the comments. Defeat the algorithm.

Please, try and keep the comments respectful. Nearly everyone I record is appearing here so they can learn a bit about their game and improve. Toxicity won't be tolerated.

#pool #9ball #apa #commentary #leaguepool #billiards


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