House of the Dead remake part 4 finale- Destroyed by his own creation

Описание к видео House of the Dead remake part 4 finale- Destroyed by his own creation

We finally track down the scientist who was behind this whole incident Dr Curien, but before we can catch up we first need to do a little boss rush. Running through both Chariot and Hanged Man again but not Hermit because I guess we just killed them, now with less phases and this time we get a machine gun to mow them down. A machine gun that I'm not sure would have been in that box I shot open had I not got a high enough score or something? Yeah this remake added some other weapons besides the standard pistol, the machine gun feels powerful to shoot but I'll be honest that I might have actually done better mashing the button with the pistol which I think shoots even fast, but at least it was easier on my finger because you can just hold the button which is honestly the main reason I used the machine gun for the rest of the game.

Including against the final boss the Magician, because after we corner Curien he let's out his greatest creation who then kills him. Because the Magician unlike most of the experiments has his own autonomy and free will, and instantly decided that he wasn't going to take no order from a punk like Curien. But isn't on our side either so we gotta fight him as the final boss, and what a final boss he is. Magician will forever remain the most iconic boss in the series and also the best for me, both in terms of being the coolest and also having the most fun fight that is a good amount of challenging with those attack patterns and weak points. And after our big final battle the ending we get is... the neutral ending.

After I got through the game on one credit and saving everyone I could, I still didn't get the ending where we see Sophie coming with us. Literally the only thing I can think of is maybe using the machine gun decreases your score? Oh well. One last thing I want to mention is that if your playing with someone else, player 2 is indeed G who would later return as a cameo in Hotd2 and as player 2 alongside Rogan and Sophie's daughter Lisa being player 1 in hotd3.


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