Cocoon me, Janey!

Описание к видео Cocoon me, Janey!

It’s nice to be able to share my songs in the less official format of a YouTube video as opposed to recording and releasing a single (though I have released this song in particular - link at the bottom). It’s helping me grow as a creative and as a performer in a few ways. Singing at a camera and having to watch the footage back when I put it in a timeline to edit forces me to get comfortable with hearing my voice and seeing it come out of my face. It’s also a good chance for me to practice singing and playing at the same time which is something I could definitely be better at. It’s also an opportunity to have songs rehearsed so that if I’m ever called upon to fill in for someone last minute I’ll be ready to do so. It sounds unlikely, but I actually found myself in the position of being added to a lineup last minute and I was not prepared. I think I’ll tell that story in next weeks video.

‘Cocoon me, Janey!’ features on my first EP titled ‘Shib’ which you can listen to everywhere music typically lives. Here’s a link to help you find it -


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