Amherst College: A Conversation with Joseph Stiglitz ’64 H’74, hosted by David Novak ’91

Описание к видео Amherst College: A Conversation with Joseph Stiglitz ’64 H’74, hosted by David Novak ’91

COVID Conversations: Thinking Through the Pandemic: A Conversation with Joseph Stiglitz ’64 H’74, hosted by David Novak ’91


COVID-19 has caused upheaval and grief; it has also led us to a new appreciation of compassion, resilience, and selflessness. It has laid bare social inequalities and caused us, as individuals and as societies, to think more deeply about interdependence and responsibility to the common good.

Amherst convened a series of live-streamed conversations addressing different facets of the pandemic's impact. Esteemed alumni experts and friends of the College share their insights and answer audience questions concerning this cataclysmic event and its ramifications for our society and ourselves.


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