Warframe | SYAM: You’re Using It Wrong. (READ PINNED) | Duviri Paradox

Описание к видео Warframe | SYAM: You’re Using It Wrong. (READ PINNED) | Duviri Paradox

Syam is not weak. In fact, it is actually kind of busted.
For a normal melee weapon, it is definitely not the best.
But this time, the gimmick is actually useful.
So useful, that it overshadows a lot of other melee.

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0:00 Intro & Context
0:35 Balanced Testing
0:52 As a Normal Melee
1:11 Gimmick Mechanics
1:57 Mod Scaling
2:18 Traveling Mechanics

2:44 Magnetize, Xata, Navigator
3:01 Zephyr's Tornado

3:16 Wave Mechanic Stats
3:47 Blind Justice
4:16 Decisive Judgement
4:43 Crowd Clearing Potential
4:57 Stances for Clearing vs Single Target
5:07 Weapon Limitations

5:25 Carnis Mandible
5:41 Build 01 | Light Attack Spam
6:25 Build 01 | vs Nikana Prime
6:46 Build 02 | Heavy Attack
7:03 Build 02 | vs Nikana Prime (Math)
7:41 Build 02 | NikanaP is Significantly Better on Heavy

8:15 Gimmick Options
8:38 Voruna Alternative Modding
8:53 Build 03 | Gas DPS 2x Combo
9:34 Build 03 | Gas Mod Scaling and Mod Saving
10:11 Build 03 | Melee Prowess
10:33 Build 03 | Grouping Tools
10:49 Acolytes vs Syam Projectile
11:13 Build 04 | Usage & Mechanics
11:40 Build 04 | Full Strip Viral 2x Combo
12:11 Build 04 | Why Pillage?

12:34 HI Demolyst Killer
12:42 Heat Inherit Mechanics
13:11 How to Use Heat Inherit
13:18 Heat Inherit Epitaph Primer Build
13:56 Build 05 | Heat Inherit Syam Build
14:38 Build 05 | Voruna Alternative Modding
15:02 Build 05 | Armor Stripping Options
15:24 Armor Stripping Latron Utility Build
15:59 How to Use Build 05
16:38 Conclusion


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Syam is definitely worse than Nikana Prime as a normal melee. Nikana Prime is roughly 20-30% better as a normal light spam weapon. As a heavy melee, Nikana Prime outperforms Syam by 45%. Yes, the gap is that big. But what it doesn't tell you is how the gimmick of Syam works. It has 500 pure heat damage, and 1500, on the 2 waves it produces. If you want the original heavy force proc slash, you can do that by using a slide heavy. But the wave force procs impact, and is pure heat. Maybe that's why you thought it was bad, because it can't do slash, and corrosive doesn't work too well? The thing is, pure heat super high damage and status is perfect for unconventional builds. Syam is amazing for Gas, full strip Viral, and Heat Inherit Demolyst killing. Why? The wave has 1.0 follow through and loses no damage on enemies it hits in succession. It also travels over objects instead of through them. This is actually better, because it allows it to change elevation to snipe out remaining targets. It is particularly useful in climbing side pillars near stair cases to kill enemies. Gas DPS Syam has quadratic scaling, and if you ran Sickening Pulse, would be obnoxious. Viral Syam is just raw DPS, but requires armor strip. Heat Inherit Syam uses innate pure heat to save a mod slot for giga damage.



  / aznvasions  
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