Integrated Goat and Dairy Farm Shed | Integrated Cow and Goat Farming

Описание к видео Integrated Goat and Dairy Farm Shed | Integrated Cow and Goat Farming

In this video, we'll take a closer look at the shed idea for a farm that can accommodate both Goat and Dairy farming. Integrated goat and dairy farming is a profitable and sustainable farming practice. By constructing a shed with proper specifications, you can accommodate both goats and cows on the same farm. This shed has a capacity of 150 to 160 goats, and can also accommodate around 6 cows. The shed is 23 feet wide and 53 feet long, with a ground height of 8 feet and a 3 feet slope. The cows are reared on the ground floor, while the goats are reared on the first floor on a plastic slatted floor.

To build shed like this CONTACT:

0:00 preview - integrated goat and dairy farming
0:10 intro
0:23 goat and dairy farming
1:11 cow shed
2:33 goat shed
2:59 ventilation
3:24 conclusion - integrated goat and dairy farming
4:41 outro

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Tags: goat farming, integrated farming, integrated goat farming, integrated goat and chicken farm, integrated goat and poultry farming, integrated farming system, integrated farm, integrated dairy farming, integrated dairy farming in India, integrated cow farming, integrated goat and dairy farm, integrated cow and goat farming, cow and goat farming, goat and cattle farming, goats and cows together, integrated cattle farm, integrated goat and fish farming, simple integrated farming

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