Quinto OR Casimir Lives , how you keep them alive depends of your choice at The Heist

Описание к видео Quinto OR Casimir Lives , how you keep them alive depends of your choice at The Heist

#witcher3heartsofstone #witcher3wildhunt #witcherdetails
Geralt have 2 choices from to breaking into the Maximilian Borsodi
vault , Quinto and Casimir Bassi , depends of your choices at the heist quinot or casimir either can die eithen can live in this video you see how you keep them alive
for Quinto first you need to turn against Ewald and then you must arrangement with Horst and this how keep quinto alive

for casimir you must stay with Ewald and then have arrangement with him and this is how keep casimir alive

0:00 How Quinto Lives
3:04 How Quinto Lives
3:05 How Casimir Lives
6:01 How Casimir Lives

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