F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Mission 92, Primary is a photo recon of mobile SAM launcher, secondary is another photo recon of a tank farm. No time limits so ingress is low and slow, heading straight for the primary. There's an area of enemy activity around the primary so not much to do except avoid the SA-14's.

Egress is to the east towards another pulse radar before heading south to the secondary. After another successful photo recon, it'ss west towards a pulse radar that got an id, as the secondary was approached. A Maverick deals with it, then it's southwest to towards home.

Finally id'ed by a missile boat before making it back to Ras Shaffaniyah. Mission accomplished.


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