Bare metal Kubernetes on mixed x64 and ARM64 - Alessandro Pilotti, Adrian Vladu, Cloudbase Solutions

Описание к видео Bare metal Kubernetes on mixed x64 and ARM64 - Alessandro Pilotti, Adrian Vladu, Cloudbase Solutions

This session goes through the lifecycle of an automated Kubernetes deployment on bare metal platforms, both ARM64 and X64 servers. The focus is on full automation, scalability, repeatability of the deployment, leveraging ArgoCD, Cluster API and Tinkerbell stack.

The end result of the automation is a production grade Kubernetes cluster that has BGP networking using Cilium, Ceph hyperconverged storage using Rook and even a VM control plane with Kubevirt. As for observability, Prometheus/Grafana and Sentry are a given.

From the perspective of the underlying operating systems, generic ones like Ubuntu and Mariner, or container native like Flatcar -- all are supported via the extendability of Cluster API.


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