Rate analysis Numerical solution|Estimation numerical problems diploma in civil engineering|

Описание к видео Rate analysis Numerical solution|Estimation numerical problems diploma in civil engineering|

Rate analysis Numerical solution|Estimation numerical problems diploma in civil engineering|‪@hamroengineering8215‬
Rate analysis|2078|Rates numerical 2078|calculate quantity of materials|diploma 4th semester @hamroengineering8215 rate analysis Numerical
Rate analysis Numerical problem 2078
how to rate analysis Numerical
calculate rate analysis
calculation of rates analysis Numerical

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#Nitesh Kushwaha
#Nitesh Kumar
Prepare a preliminary estimate of a 4 storied office building [8] having total carpet area of 2200 m ^ 2 for staining administrative approval. 40% of the plinth area is the circulation area and 10% is the wall area. 1 Plinth Area Rate = Rs. 12000 per m ^ 2
2) Extra for Architectural Treatment = 15 \% of Building Cost
3) Extra for Water Supply and Sanitary = 8% of Building Cost
Extra Electrical Installation = 8 \% of Building Cost Other Services = 5 \%
6 Contingencies = 5 \%
Supervision Charge = 5 \%
b. Estimate the quantities of brick work and plastering required in a wall 4 m long3 m high and 30 cm thick. Calculate the cost if the rate of brick work is Rs11558 per cu. m. and the plastering Rs. 219 sq. m.


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