The MS-14A Gelgoog mass-production

Описание к видео The MS-14A Gelgoog mass-production

Intended as a replacement for the aging MS-06F Zaku II as a primary front line unit, the MS-14A Gelgoog was a high performance mobile suit, arguably as powerful as - if not more powerful than - the EFF's Gundam. Well-suited for both terrestrial and space combat, the Gelgoog sported a large beam rifle, forearm-mounted jet engine thrusters for added maneuverability, and a twin beam sword. Unfortunately for Zeon, the introduction of the Gelgoog was a case of too little, too late. Only 165 units were produced and put into combat by the last day of the war at the Battle of A Baoa Qu on December 31, UC 0079, mostly piloted by novice pilots and fresh recruits who couldn't use their powerful new Gelgoogs effectively against veteran EFF pilots in the less powerful mass produced RGM-79 GM. It was often argued that, had Zeon managed to put the Gelgoog into production even only two months earlier, the outcome of the One Year War may have been turned in Zeon's favor. (source


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