2024 - Gottfried Helnwein Outed As A Scientology OSA Spy By Former OSA Europe Director Klaus Büchele

Описание к видео 2024 - Gottfried Helnwein Outed As A Scientology OSA Spy By Former OSA Europe Director Klaus Büchele

2024: Helnwein - The OSA Spy: Austrian Artist Gottfried Helnwein Was Outed As A Longtime Scientology OSA Secret Service Spy By Former OSA Germany And Austria Executive Director For The OSA Secret Service Klaus Büchele

The Thumbnail Shows Both Nearest Scientology Friends Priscilla Presley and Gottfried Helnwein Together in Vienna/Austria on February 7, 2024

Tony Ortega About Former Scientology OSA Agent Klaus Büchele and Gottfried Helnwein interviewed by Peter Reichelt in 2024

Interview Peter Reichelt with Klaus Büchele Part 1:


Part 2:


Here are parts of the intensive 2024 interview between Klaus Büchele and journalist Peter Reichelt:

Klaus: ... I had more to do with Mike Rinder because the German Task Force also did a lot of public relations work.

Peter: So propaganda for Scientology against Germany?

Klaus: Yes, against Germany. Gottfried Helnwein was also embedded and active in our campaign.

Peter: Helnwein was probably very, very important. He’s been a Scientologist for 50 years.

Klaus: Yes, but the importance of celebrities was not based on the number of years in Scientology, but on how much money you have and which important personalities you know and what influence you have on them. And if Helnwein has a lot of connections to politicians, or because he paints a lot of famous people, then of course he is very important for OSA because he can open a lot of doors for us. He has done that. But if you’re a famous singer, for example, who has nothing to do with politicians, then it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in Scientology. But then you are not interesting for OSA.

Peter: But Helnwein also helped plan the big campaign against Germany, or at least he played a leading role in it. He appeared in Washington for OSA and testified there against Germany as an allegedly “persecuted Scientologist,” that he was being persecuted in Germany, etc. That must have been precisely coordinated with someone in OSA at the time.

Klaus: Yes, absolutely right. That was agreed with Leisa Goodman and Mike Rinder back in 1996 and 1997. And partly also with Kurt Weiland. So not with me directly, I was only marginally involved. Of course I was involved in everything.

Peter: You were the head of the, what is it called? You were the German Task Force In Charge in OSA International, you were the boss of the whole operation against Germany and Austria. How did you come to this high position, Germany Task Force In Charge OSA Int, that you became the boss of this extensive action in 1994? Whose idea was it? Did Miscavige personally have the idea to conduct this huge campaign against Germany?

Klaus: I can’t remember exactly who came up with the idea. It must have been Miscavige, Marty Rathbun, and Mike Rinder, that’s just how it was. We had to do something big about Germany...
The campaign against Germany went on over two years under my leadership, I think. And then it was disbanded. I was actually against it ending because I had the feeling that we were making good progress. Mike Rinder informed me of the dissolution of the task force,

I think in 1995/1996. That was when Gottfried Helnwein was with us in Los Angeles at the HGB for a meeting. We took Helnwein, Mike Rinder and I, to the airport in LAX after the OSA meeting and on the way back to the HGB I was alone in the car with Mike and he told me that “my” Germany Task Force was to be dissolved. It was to be integrated into the normal OSA organization. Then I said, that’s nonsense, we’re making great progress. But Rinder said the decision had been made and then I went back to the OSA legal office for a few months. That must have been at the end of 1996. So the task force existed for about 2 years.

Peter: Why did you personally take Helnwein to the airport in Los Angeles?

Klaus: He was in the HGB (the Office of Special Affairs World Headquarter) at the time.

Peter: You discussed with him what his future role in the fight against Germany should be?

Klaus: Yes, of course. That was the purpose of meeting with him, that was always the purpose. Who do you know? What can you do for us? Who do you know in Washington D.C.? And then he’ll just tell us everything, who he knows where and how he can help. And that’s how he practically becomes an OSA man.

Peter: Then Helnwein was an OSA man for many years.

Klaus: Yes, that’s right. You could say that. Regardless of whether he has a contract with OSA or not, he has always worked for OSA. If he has an assignment like that, from me or from Linda Hamel, then of course we expect him to call us daily, or at least weekly, but more likely daily when it comes to important meetings, for example in Washington D.C., that he then calls us in the evening and reports back.

So in this respect, he is completely an OSA man.

Back then, I had a lot to do in Germany and could do what I wanted because I was solely responsible for the whole project.


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