No-Till Food Plot - RTP Outdoors GENESIS 3 No-Till Drill

Описание к видео No-Till Food Plot - RTP Outdoors GENESIS 3 No-Till Drill

This is our first action using the Genesis No-Till Drill. If your a food plotter who is serious about soil health and quality - then this is for you. The amount of money and time that can be saved over just a few years make this investment a no brainier! No, these aren't "cheap" but when you compare to other "no till-drills" on the market it is very affordable! The Genesis drills are made specifically for food plotting. To say this thing is built well and built to last is an understatement... Its an impressive piece of equipment! The startup cost of purchasing one is the only draw back in my opinion.

Discing/tilling your food plots sets your soil back to square one - any many people don't have a clue - including us for many years! The amount of microorganisms that are destroyed each time tillage is applied to soil is unfathomable. When you research no-till and the benefits it will make you never want to disc or till again! This is what happened to me. Healthy deer and big antlers starts with your soil - period! Natural browse or food plot - the plants can only give the nutrients to the animals that are available to them... There is a better way - when done right your soil will naturally heal itself. The addition of synthetic fertilizers can be reduced and in time completely done away with when the soil can feed off the previous seasons dead and decaying vegetation. Keeping something green and growing year round, cover crops or never leaving your soil exposed to the elements are key components in building soil. We are just starting our No-Till food plot journey and are going to share how it does and things we learn the hard way. Cant wait to see how our soil responds as we let mother nature work the way it was intended!

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