【COSPLAY】Beautiful Girl at Anime Expo, Guess Her Cosplay|コスプレ|코스프레|Anime

Описание к видео 【COSPLAY】Beautiful Girl at Anime Expo, Guess Her Cosplay|コスプレ|코스프레|Anime

⚠️The video’s filming location was recorded in a public area. The video features performances from a local exhibition event, and all content adheres to the local cultural norms and customs. Please respect the cosplay performers featured in the video, who are passionate about their art. If you also enjoy cosplay performances and art, please give this video your support. Thank you, everyone.🥰🥰

#cosplay #anime #games #idol #vtuber #coser #cosplayer #showgirl

🟣Individual Coser's Stunning Performances

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🟢At gaming and anime conventions and exhibitions, complete recordings of various Cosplayers' performances

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🟡Introducing gaming and anime exhibitions and documenting the content of the events

⇥    • 🍀 ゲームとアニメのキャラクターコスプレ展示会 🌈|Kawaii|GAME...  

🔵The highlights of each Cosplayer's performance at gaming and anime conventions.

⇥    • Плейлист  

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❤️Absolute Beauty Cosplay Series

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👍Beautiful Photo Girl Cosplay Series

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🎹Office Secretary Uniform Cosplay Series

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🌈Charming School Uniform Cosplay Series

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🔴 "UncleSoup-kanalen filmer primært cosplayers og idoler ved udstillingsevents for tegneserier, anime, videospil og spil. Gennem videoerne optaget af UncleSoup kan du deltage i sceneoptrædener af søde piger i forskellige kostumer. 🥰"


🔴 „UncleSoup rásin tekur aðallega upp cosplayara og stjörnur á sýningarviðburðum fyrir teiknimyndasögur, anime, tölvuleiki og leiki. Í gegnum myndböndin sem tekin eru af UncleSoup getur þú tekið þátt í sviðsframkomum sættra stelpna í mismunandi búningum. 🥰“

🔴 "El canal 'UncleSoup' graba principalmente cosplayers e ídolos en eventos de exhibición de cómics, anime, videojuegos y juegos. A través de los videos filmados por 'UncleSoup', puedes participar en las actuaciones de chicas lindas en diferentes disfraces. 🥰"

🔴 "La chaîne 'UncleSoup' filme principalement des cosplayers et des idoles lors d'événements d'exposition de bandes dessinées, d'anime, de jeux vidéo et de jeux. Grâce aux vidéos tournées par 'UncleSoup', vous pouvez participer aux performances sur scène de jolies filles en costumes variés. 🥰"

🔴 "The 'UncleSoup' channel mainly films cosplayers and idols at exhibition events for comics, anime, video games, and games. Through the videos shot by 'UncleSoup,' you can participate in stage performances of cute girls in different costumes. 🥰"

🔴 "UncleSoup-kanalen filmer hovedsakelig cosplayere og idoler på utstillingsarrangementer for tegneserier, anime, videospill og spill. Gjennom videoene filmet av UncleSoup kan du delta i sceneopptredener av søte jenter i forskjellige kostymer. 🥰"

🔴 "O canal 'UncleSoup' filma principalmente cosplayers e ídolos em eventos de exibição de quadrinhos, anime, videogames e jogos. Através dos vídeos gravados por 'UncleSoup', você pode participar de apresentações no palco de garotas fofas com diferentes fantasias. 🥰"

🔴 "Der 'UncleSoup'-Kanal filmt hauptsächlich Cosplayer und Idole bei Ausstellungsveranstaltungen für Comics, Anime, Videospiele und Spiele. Durch die von 'UncleSoup' gedrehten Videos kannst du an Bühnenauftritten süßer Mädchen in verschiedenen Kostümen teilnehmen. 🥰"

🔴 "'UncleSoup' 채널은 주로 만화, 애니메이션, 비디오 게임, 게임 전시회에서 코스플레이어와 아이돌을 촬영합니다. 'UncleSoup'이 촬영한 영상을 통해 다양한 의상을 입은 귀여운 소녀들의 무대 공연에 참여할 수 있습니다. 🥰"


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