28. Iconic Landscapes: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School

Описание к видео 28. Iconic Landscapes: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School

Valley Girl Jenny visited ⁠The Thomas Cole National Historic Site⁠ (https://thomascole.org/) in Catskill, joined by special guest co-host ⁠Brett Barry⁠ (https://www.kaatscast.com/people/bret...) of ⁠Kaatscast: The Catskills Podcast⁠ (https://www.kaatscast.com/) and ⁠Silver Hollow Audio⁠ (https://silverhollowaudio.com/) , and production intern Olivia Sippel, for our very first episode recorded on location! They talked to - and walked the site with - Executive Director ⁠Betsy Jacks⁠ (https://www.betsyjacks.com/about-1) .

The ⁠⁠Thomas Cole National Historic Site⁠⁠ (https://thomascole.org/) covers more than 6 acres in ⁠⁠Catskill, NY⁠⁠ (https://thomascole.org/plan-your-trip/) , with stunning views, meticulously preserved or restored buildings, interactive exhibits, and of course iconic paintings from the ⁠⁠Hudson River School⁠⁠ (https://www.hudsonriverschool.org/) . Betsy gave us in-depth access on what might just have been the most perfect autumn day the Hudson Valley has ever seen. To experience more of the site and the art, check out our video on YouTube, as well as ⁠thomascole.org⁠ (www.thomascole.org) and ⁠explorethomascole.org⁠ (www.explorethomascole.org) .

Also check out Brett's ⁠very first episode of Kaatscast from January 7, 2020⁠⁠ (https://www.kaatscast.com/mountain-cl...) , where he chatted with Betsy as part of his audio driving tour of the Northern Catskills’ Mountain Cloves Scenic Byway.

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To stay up to date and for more content you can find us at ⁠valleygirlspodcast.com⁠, at ⁠instagram.com/ValleyGirlsPodNY⁠, at ⁠   / @valleygirlspodcast⁠  , and starting this season check out the Newsletter and Pod Squad tab on our website to sign up for our e-mail newsletter and join our new Facebook Group so you never miss a thing! All links can also be found in our Instagram bio.

Episode music by Robert Burke Warren entitled Painting a Vast Blue Sky can be found at ⁠robertburkewarren.bandcamp.com/track/painting-a-vast-blue-sky⁠.


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