Porting CP/M-65 to the Olimex neo6502

Описание к видео Porting CP/M-65 to the Olimex neo6502

In wch yr hmbl svt does a port -- well, really a rewrite -- of CP/M-65, one of the most useless modern operating systems ever, to the Olimex neo6502, a new 6502-based single board computer.

This was edited down from nine hours of raw footage (recorded over about two weeks!) and so may be a little more incoherent than usual. Normally a port to a machine like this takes, maybe, a couple of hours but this one is much more complicated than usual because there's a BDOS emulation layer allowing CP/M-65 to directly access files on Morpheus' FAT file system. This makes it significantly easier to work with and, like, useful and stuff. It should be possible to run Morpheus binaries directly from CP/M-65, allowing reasonably straightforward game development using CP/M-65 tooling.

Olimex donated the hardware. Thank you, Olimex!

CP/M-65: https://github.com/davidgiven/cpm65
Olimex's neo6502: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Retro...
The Morpheus firmware package: https://github.com/paulscottrobson/ne...


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