Heart Rate Zones and Training: Zone 1

Описание к видео Heart Rate Zones and Training: Zone 1

Heart-rate training is divided into five zones, and work in each zone produces different effects on the body. Here, Chris Cooper of Catalyst Fitness provides the rundown on Zone 1.

Zone 1—50-64 percent of max heart rate—is low level and doesn’t produce huge physical changes, but it’s a great starting point for people who have never exercised before. You’ll burn some calories, improve digestion, improve circulation and metabolize glucose.

The last part is important: You won’t just store all the food that you eat as fat. It’s not about just burning calories: You’re actually training your metabolism to use glucose or get rid of it, not store it long term. For example, a short walk after dinner will burn off some energy but also prevent storage of glucose as fat.

Zone 1 also generally gets you outside and into “flow state,” where your body is occupied and your mind is free. It’s like the old proverb: “thinking body, dancing mind.” This is great for mental health and productivity!

It’s easy to skip Zone 1 exercise, but you shouldn’t! If you spend 50 minutes total per week in Zone 1, you’ll reduce all-cancer risk by about 23 percent! Even elite athletes can benefit from the recovery provided by Zone 1.

To find out more about how Catalyst can help you with heart-rate training, book a free intro: https://catalystgym.com/

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