Famitracker Bits - Staff Roll (Super Mario Bros. Deluxe) [VRC6]

Описание к видео Famitracker Bits - Staff Roll (Super Mario Bros. Deluxe) [VRC6]

Favorite tunes never fade...

DL Folder: https://mega.nz/#F!Z48liIRB!TbN6uMZbF...
Bitchute Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AxBm9p...

While the original Super Mario Bros. has been thoroughly discussed, mastered, and dissected over the past 33 years to the point there's not much to say about it that hasn't already been said, I much prefer the GBC port. This is not just because I grew up with this version, and not just because it was one of the first two games I ever played (the other being Pokemon Crystal), but I feel like it adds so many features and extra modes that it all but replaces the original in my mind. The You vs Boo mode was fun to try, the Challenge Mode made me memorize the layout of every level, the Fortune Teller, finding all the Yoshi Eggs, looking at all the character art in the album, all the banners meant for the Camera that I never got as a kid. Hell, this is part of why I tend to enjoy difficult games, as it gave me a way to try the Lost Levels since I took the whole 'too hard for Americans' bit as a challenge.

I could go on and on, but if I did this description would go on forever. However, the thing that ties this all together is the new music, which if I didn't know any better would sound like this was meant to be in the original to begin with. Chief among the new tracks is the credits theme, and while it's mostly a variation of the starman theme it still manages to be a legitimately good song in its own right. That's why, to celebrate this port's 20th anniversary next Wednesday, I decided to get a remix of that ready for today.

Music originally composed by Koji Kondo, Yuichi Ozaki and Masami Yome
Super Mario Bros. (C) 1981-20XX Nintendo
Date/Time Started: 4/5/19, 9:08AM (MST)
Date/Time Completed: 4/5/19, 12:00PM (MST)


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