【LIVE】刀郎 Dao Lang 《关于二道桥 About Erdao Bridge》 【新疆十年环球巡演 Ten Year Global Tour in Xinjiang】

Описание к видео 【LIVE】刀郎 Dao Lang 《关于二道桥 About Erdao Bridge》 【新疆十年环球巡演 Ten Year Global Tour in Xinjiang】

当年在东与南门巷交叉,西和天池路相会的十字路口,有一座木质的桥梁,桥南北走向,宽2.5米,跨度为3米多。桥面两侧有木栏杆,桥下有一股从东面二道湾流下来的清水,通过南市巷小渠,从桥下顺天池路水渠向西流去,直灌乌鲁木齐河(现河滩公路),这座木桥就是二道桥。之所以称为二道桥,是因为当年在南梢门子外还有一座木质桥,大小与二道桥相仿,叫头道桥。 二道桥市场始于清代宣统年间。因其浓郁的民族特色,活泛的商业形态,古丝绸之路上的重要驿站而闻名遐尔,汇聚中亚商品,本地产品,成为中外商贾在西域必经之处。吐鲁番的葡萄、哈密的瓜、喀什的土布、和田的地毯丝绸、库车的胰子(土制肥皂)、焉耆的蘑菇……皆是二道桥市场的特色产品,而俄罗斯的盖子布、巴基斯坦的铜器、土耳其的首饰则是具有异国情调的商品。百年的时光造就了二道桥市场灿烂的历史。

Background of the Creation
Since the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the area around the Erdao Bridge and Shanxi Lane in Urumqi has been a centre for the exchange of goods between the ethnic minorities in North and South Xinjiang and the regions of West Asia and Central Asia. After more than 100 years of changes, the ethnic business district centered around the Erdao Bridge Market, with its rich ethnic characteristics and the distinctive regional atmosphere of Xinjiang, now attracts numerous domestic and foreign tourists. The name "Erdaoqiao" has been used by the people for nearly 100 years.

Back in the day, at the intersection of Dong and Nanmen Alleys, at the crossroads where the West met Tianchi Road, there was a wooden bridge. The bridge ran north to south, was 2.5 meters wide, and had a span of over 3 meters. There were wooden railings on both sides of the bridge, and beneath it, there was clear water flowing down from Erdao Bay in the east. The water flowed westward through the South Market Alley canal, passing under the bridge, and then continued west along Tianchi Road canal until it reached the Urumqi River (now Riverbank Road). This wooden bridge was the Erdao Bridge. The reason it is called the Erdao Bridge is that back then, outside Nanshaomen, there was another wooden bridge of similar size called the Yidao Bridge. The Erdaoqiao Market began during the Xuantong period of the Qing Dynasty. Known for its rich ethnic characteristics, vibrant commercial forms, and being an important relay station on the ancient Silk Road, it gathered goods from Central Asia and local products, becoming a must-pass location for domestic and foreign merchants in the Western Region. Grapes from Turpan, melons from Hami, traditional fabrics from Kashgar, carpets and silk from Hotan, pancreatic soap from Kuche, and mushrooms from Yanqi—these are all characteristic products of the Erdaoqiao Market. Russian linen, Pakistani copperware, and Turkish jewelry are exotic items in the market. A century has shaped the brilliant history of the Erdaoqiao Market.

While in Xinjiang, Dao Lang, influenced by the fundamental theory of Muqam, gained a new understanding of his music composition. It was also during that time that he began a comprehensive shift toward ethnic music. The song "About Erdao Bridge" is a representative work from that period.

Dao Lang excels at integrating regional ethnic music with bold innovations and experiments in pop music, especially through the perception and creation of real-life experiences. This song, "About Erdao Bridge," is a testament to that approach.

Source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%85%B...


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