H&A Remembering 2013: Multi-Friendships/Families/Couples

Описание к видео H&A Remembering 2013: Multi-Friendships/Families/Couples

In the lead up to the 2013 finale and final week, I made a little video highlighting just a few storylines and just a few of the incredible families and friendships that have and haven't endured the year.

Working on three other things at the moment too:
- a 2013 summary video
- a Walker family tribute
- a bit of a fun video

Honestly, I have really, really enjoyed this year. Of course it's still been hugely Braxton-based as every year since their arrival has been, but we've lost and gained so many people so it has stayed very fresh. Also, I believe we have seen a bit more diversity in storylines and friendships. Last year was like a Shakespearen tragedy where just about no-one could catch a break, but this year the goods, bads, highs and lows have all been dealt with appropriately rather than one mess after another.

So as we await the final five episodes to wrap up this year, I'd like to say a big thank you to all involved in the cast and crew for all the hard work and effort that's been put into such an awesome year of TV

P.S. I totally stole this song from DiversePerfection's Romeo & Indi video. Check it out.


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