Best of 2020 - Dairy Farming in Saskatchewan

Описание к видео Best of 2020 - Dairy Farming in Saskatchewan

We strive to grow good quality feed for our cows, and provide an excellent environment for all of our cattle to thrive and stay healthy through the changing seasons. We enjoy producing the best kind of milk (real from a cow) and overcoming the challenges faced milking and feeding cows every day of the year!

It was a busy year for us as we renovated our barns for sand bedding, and built an indoor sand separation lane. We have seen improved health and cleaner cows since we switched.

We also started construction of a new parlour which we are very excited about! (last one was built in 2001 and is too small/old now).

It was a crazy year but we are excited about the future and the opportunity to continue providing nutritious food.

Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.


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