VGC 2021 Series 9 - "Stak'nKiss" - Rental Team

Описание к видео VGC 2021 Series 9 - "Stak'nKiss" - Rental Team

Code: 0000 0003 BN0D GW

This is a solid tactical sweep team that exploits the mechanics of Grassy Terrain and Floral Healing with bulky sweepers and a very dangerous redirectioner in the shape of CritKiss. In this team Comfey proves to be a so much more than a mere Weakness Policy proc slot, it's trained as a bulky physical wall with a Babiri Berry that gives it longevity in it's attempt to set up Trick Room and lay the groundwork for a Stakataka sweep. Milotic's natural bulk paired with a Grassy Seed instant proc helps a lot in stalling opposing hyper offensive openers and early Dynamax by cycling in and out Incineroar and Rillaboom. Needless to say, opening with Milotic's Competitive ability will come into play more than once, as there's lots of gamblers out there leading an Intimidate user of their own trying to catch your Stakataka or Rillaboom opener, bringing them to change their game plan in the face of a +2 SpA threat. Togekiss glues this team together bringing redirection to enable Trick Room going up safely while also bringing speed control with a powerful Max Airstream and status protection for it's teammates with Max Starfall.

Thank you so much for watching and, by all means, have a great rest of your day!

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