Detection of Elements in Organic Compounds Especially ( N2 , S & Halogens ) (L-25) | 2nd year Chem

Описание к видео Detection of Elements in Organic Compounds Especially ( N2 , S & Halogens ) (L-25) | 2nd year Chem

" Let us join Prof. Javed Khan, an M.Phil in Chemistry, provides insightful explanations on YouTube about detecting elements in organic compounds. He particularly focuses on techniques for detecting Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Halogens. His videos likely cover methods like elemental analysis, spectroscopy, and chemical tests, offering viewers a clear understanding of identifying these elements within organic compounds.

#detection #of #elements #in #organic #compound #by #professor #javed #khan #yousafzai #at #quetta #science #academy @quettascienceacademy471 ..


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