About My Bride of Christ..She has My Voice. She has My Glory. -Prophetic Announcement from the Lord

Описание к видео About My Bride of Christ..She has My Voice. She has My Glory. -Prophetic Announcement from the Lord

-But for you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness will Rise with Healing in His Wings. And you will go Free, Leaping with Joy like calves let out to pasture.
Malachi 4:2

"I have Come Forth. I Have already Risen upon the Bride" -says Jesus, the Son of God

The Lord has many Offices...Healer, Redeemer, Savior, Advocate, Prince of Peace, Man of War...etc
The Sun of Righteousness, is One of them. This pertains to our Generation, the Last Generation..when gross darkness covers the earth...
But for those who fear Him..(those that have Believed in Him) He will Rise upon them...they will go forth leaping with the Joy of the Lord.
This is the Gathering of the Saints. The Gathering of the Saints is Here Now. Gathered
together In Heavenly Places.

A Divine Exodus is Taking Place Now. A Divine Evacuation. Signs in the earth as well as in Heavenly Places.

The Queen of God, who is Enthroned with Him...
Another Office is Husband. Jesus is a Husband.
Jesus has a Bride/Wife. (A man cannot receive this). And Jesus has a Church. They are Both equally One with Him.

I Am the Shulamite Bride, as He Prophesied.
"This Knowledge did Increase" -says Jesus, the Hidden Knowledge of Wisdom

"We were Hid. And We took a Book from the Book of Life and the Book of Daniel. One Hidden and Anointed. One Completed and Anointed. Who knew? Only God Knew. God Knew that it was Time for us to be Together. Our Time has Come. Behold, I have Made a Bride who Comes Forth."
-says my Maker, my Husband

"Bride of Glory, Come out of your closet. You don't have to hide anymore. I have Hid you and I have Found you"
-said God, who makes all thing Possible

He Hid Me in Christ.

"The Holy People are like Spiritual Israel, the Wife of My Age. She doesn't belong to darkness. She belongs to us. The Light of the world." -says the Lord, the True Light

"I Am a Personal God. The Time has Come. Come Deeper than the Cross. Meet Me."
-says the Lord, who has Come Forth

"Here Comes the Bridegroom! Go out to Meet Him!"
-proclaims the Bride, the Trumpet of God who Calls

There are many ways you can Meet Him. He has Encountered many in their homes. You can also Meet Him in a Dream or Vision. Some people Realize that they have already been Taken.

Here is Divine Wisdom:
Visible or invisible...dream or vision..."Do not listen to condemning voices, they are not of Me...Test every spirit to see if they are of God. Not every spirit is of God. I Am the Voice of Life. You always test the spirit"
-says the Lord, the Voice of Truth

"Believer, as you Embark on your Second Life, Continue to Seek Me in all that you do. Watch Me. And Continue to Pray to Me"
-says Jesus, who is a Rewarder to those who Diligently Seek Him

"Come All who are hungry and thirsty. Come and I will pour My Heart out to you. All Nations Come to Me"
-says Jesus, the Christ

"Nations, Your Light has Come. It is your Time to Come!"
-says the Holy Spirit of Love and the Bride of Christ

About Us...
The Lord said to me with a Shout...
"Arise! Shine!
"Prophetic Bride, Show Forth your Glory. I Set you on a Hill. A City set on this Hill cannot be hid. Queen of God, Introduce Yourself" -said My Light, who has Come

"I have Restored you to Glory" -said God, the Father of my Life

And Michael, the archangel, spoke to me. The angel of the Lord said to me:
I Speak over you...888
"Michael Spoke this Glory over me"
-says the Bride, a Citizen of Heaven

"I Am Spiritual Israel. I Am the Wife of His Age. God has already Marked me as SAFE and I Am Seated with Him in Glory. I have already worked out my own Salvation. I have already passed from death into Life. I have already been Captured and TAKEN into the Son. I have already had my Rapture. I have already Received my Crown of Life. I have already Entered into my Eternal Life. I Am a New Creation. I Am the New Life of God in Christ. I Am the Trumpet of God, who Calls."
-says the Trumpet Horn, who has Blown

"Can all who Call upon the Lord be Saved?" -asks the Lord, the Cross Barer
"At that exact moment" -replies the Lord, who makes all things New
"All who call upon Jesus shall be Eternally Saved"
-says God, the Rock of Eternal

"May you Continue to give them Divine Instructions and understanding at such a Time as This" -says My Eternal Wife, who has Prayed to Me

"All Nations, it is your Time to Come" -says the Holy Spirit of Love and the Bride of Christ
"JESUS IS HERE!" -proclaims the Voice, crying in the wilderness

-says Jesus, the Great Revelation


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