5 Tick Xarpus without complex tiles & 5.3/5 tick alternating examples to get into cycle as a learner

Описание к видео 5 Tick Xarpus without complex tiles & 5.3/5 tick alternating examples to get into cycle as a learner

Today I did some tob and made a little example video for 5 tick xarpus. I've had some people ask about 5t xarpus and tried looking up some guides but everyone always steps on extra tiles or makes it look completely different from regular 5.3 tick.

This showcases the cycle alternating between 5.3/5 tick and also just using the middle tile as a rag tile to get started as a learner. In more complex methods you can rag the side tiles to take less damage(Blood fury is about .1-.2 less dps than torture and haven't gone low hp ever 5 ticking) but really not needed in most w416 raids.

0:00 5t example with some 5/5.3 tick alternating
1:31 Alternating 5.3 tick and 5 tick


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