2.8 Causal Order, Total Order | Distributed Computing | CS3551 | Anna university R2021

Описание к видео 2.8 Causal Order, Total Order | Distributed Computing | CS3551 | Anna university R2021

Distributed Computing full Playlist :
   • CS3551 - Distributed Computing | Anna...  

CS3551 - Distributed Computing

Unit I - Introduction

1. Distributed Systems -
   • 1.1 Distributed Systems | Distributed...  

2. Relation to computer system components -
   • 1.2 Relation to computer system compo...  

3. Parallel vs Distributed computing -
   • 1.3 Parallel vs Distributed computing...  

4. Message Passing vs Shared Memory systems -
   • 1.4 Message passing vs Shared memory ...  

5. Primitives for Distributed Communication -
   • 1.5 Primitives for distributed commun...  

6. Synchronous vs Asynchronous executions -
   • 1.6 Synchronous vs Asynchronous Execu...  

7. Design Issues and Challenges -
   • 1.7 Design Issues and Challenges | Di...  

8. Distributed Program : Model of Distributed
Execution -
   • 1.8 Model of Distributed Execution | ...  

9. Global State of Distributed Systems -
   • 1.9 Global State of Distributed Syste...  

Unit II - Logical Time and Global State

1. Logical Time - Lamport Timestamp, Vector
Timestamp -
   • 2.1 Logical Time - Lamport, Vector Ti...  

2. Physical Clock Synchonization - Cristian and
Berkeley Algorithm -
   • 2.2 Clock synchronization - Cristian,...  

3. Physical Clock Synchronization - NTP -
   • 2.3 Clock Synchronization - NTP | Dis...  

4. Framework for a System of Logical clocks -
   • 2.4 Framework for a System of Logical...  

5. Scalar Time, Vector Time -
   • 2.5 Scalar Time, Vector Time | Distri...  

6. Message Ordering Paradigms -
   • 2.6 Message Ordering Paradigms | Dist...  

7. Group Communication -
   • 2.7 Group communication | Distributed...  

8. Causal Order, Total Order -
   • 2.8 Causal Order, Total Order | Distr...  

9. Snapshot Recording - Chandy Lamport -
   • 2.9 Snapshot Recording - Chandy Lampo...  

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