[U-23 골키퍼 비시즌 2주차 & 간헐적 훈련 1] / U-23 Goalkeeper preseason 2 week & Intermittent training 1

Описание к видео [U-23 골키퍼 비시즌 2주차 & 간헐적 훈련 1] / U-23 Goalkeeper preseason 2 week & Intermittent training 1

코칭 포인트 - 1.유산소 지구력 2. 심장박동수 174 ~ 180
/ Coaching point 1. Edurance 2. HR 174 ~ 180
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/ If you have any comments or questions after watching the video, please comment.
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   / @goalkeepertube6012  


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