Candle Powered Pinwheel STEM Challenge

Описание к видео Candle Powered Pinwheel STEM Challenge

STEM Explanation:
Air heated by the candle flame flows upwards by convection. Convection is a way in which heat travels. When
molecules in the air are heated they become less dense, causing the heated air to rise. As the hot air rises, it
meets the blades of the pinwheel, and the air molecules push up against the blades. Because of the slope of
the blade, the blades are pushed sideways and the pinwheel rotates.

Try adjusting your spinner. Does it make a difference which direction the blades are folded compared to the
incoming convection heat? Can the blades be angled up instead of down? Does it make a difference how
many blades there are? Can you make a different shape with your spinner (a flower, a star, etc.)? See what
combination of factors produces the fastest-spinning wheel!

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