RS2 Emerger Fly tying tutorial: Fly tying with Larva Lace

Описание к видео RS2 Emerger Fly tying tutorial: Fly tying with Larva Lace

RS2 Emerger Fly tying tutorial: Fly tying with Larva Lace
Tiny emergers can be the best way to trick fish on a feeding streak, especially when you are unsure about what they are feeding on. RS2’s can be tied in a variety of colors, but dun, pale yellow, and black are ideal. Fish these deep or mid column during autumn reservoir fishing days, or just in the film on a slow moving stretch of stream. Either way, trout will not be able to resist.
#larvalace #fliesthatcatchfish #KISS #flyfishing #RS2 #emerger #puresilk

Daiichi 1100 Size 24 – Part # 19-24-1100
Dun Ultra Thread – Part # 28-70-028
Ultra Fibbets – Part # 210165
Dun Pure Silk Dubbing – Part # 78102
White Shimmer – Part # 74105

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