心淡- Gigi炎明熹&Joey容祖兒 |Crossover 混剪合唱版 Live |字幕歌詞 |🎵 由這一分鐘開始計起春風秋雨間♬ |PopCanto Song

Описание к видео 心淡- Gigi炎明熹&Joey容祖兒 |Crossover 混剪合唱版 Live |字幕歌詞 |🎵 由這一分鐘開始計起春風秋雨間♬ |PopCanto Song

#心淡 #陪你長大 #容祖兒#music #love #healing #popmusic #容祖兒 #joey#炎明熹#gigi

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Lyrics 歌詞 心淡 Disheartened
想不起 怎麼會病到不分好歹
I don't remember how I become so ill I can't tell good from bad
even suffering has become sweet
我每日捱著 不睬不理
I am enduring every day, ignoring everything
但卻捱不死 又去癡纏你
But I couldn’t die from it, so I went back to pestering you
難道終此一生 都要這麼 不可爭一口氣
Am I going to spend my entire life being like this, not able to win for once

**很謙卑 只不過是我太過愛你
I'm humbled, only because I love you too much
even forget my pride
跌到極麻木 只好相信
fallen and numb, I can only believe
又再爬得起 就會有轉機
That if I climb up again, it would be turns better
若我不懂憎你 如何離別你 亦怕不會飛
if I don't know how to hate you, how could I leave you, even afraid I can't fly
由這一分鐘開始計起 春風秋雨間
from this minute on, from spring to autumn
限我對你以半年時間 慢慢的心淡
give myself half a year, slowly becoming disheartened
付清 賬單 平靜的對你熱度退減
pay back all I owed, calmly lower the temperature I have for you

一天一點傷心過 這一百數十晚
each day my heart breaks a little, during these over a hundred days
大概也夠我 送我來回地獄又折返人間
maybe it's enough for me, sending me back and forth to hell and back to earth
春天分手 秋天會習慣
split up in spring, will get used to it in autumn
when bitterness fades it becomes bland
(** reversing)

說甚麼再平反....只怕被迫一起 更礙眼
I'm afraid be forced together, so odd
往後這半年間......只愛自己 雖說不太習慣
(this half year's time following)
只愛自己 雖說不太習慣
I only love myself, although not very used to it
畢竟有限 就當 過關
after all it's limited, I'll take it as passing grade
由這一分鐘開始計起 春風秋雨間
from this minute on, from spring to autumn
限我對你以半年時間 慢慢的心淡
give myself half a year, slowly becoming disheartened
付清 賬單 平靜的對你熱度退減
pay back all I owed, calmly lower the temperature I have for you
一天一點傷心過 這一百數十晚
each dad my heart breaks a little, during these over a hundred days
大概也夠我 送我來回地獄又折返人間
maybe it's enough for me, sending me back and forth to hell and back to earth
春天分手 秋天會習慣
split up in spring, will get used to it in autumn
when bitterness fades it becomes bland


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