New Mexico’s San Juan Badlands of Bisti, Fossil Forest, Ah-She-Sle-Pah and more

Описание к видео New Mexico’s San Juan Badlands of Bisti, Fossil Forest, Ah-She-Sle-Pah and more

Off-trail again into Northwest New Mexico’s remote, colorful and spectacular topography of the San Juan Badlands. Nowhere that I have been - so far - has there been a more desolate and isolated, yet absolutely outrageous and bizarre topography on this arid landscape. Sketchy trailheads, confusing crisscross of unmarked dirt roads, sometimes no pull-offs, trails or even footprints to help an explorer find these badland areas. They are all a deterrent to the casual tourist.

At my age, I am fortunate to be physically and mentally able to be reasonably comfortable in these conditions and situations. I hope this presentation will expose many to this remote (and in many cases unmarked) area, yet caution most to its remoteness and lack of any rescue or emergency support. Anyone with excellent wilderness hiking experience, orientation skills and a cautious sense of direction in unmarked and remote areas, will find it exhilarating and rewarding.


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