Afrolizer | Haywyre | Storyteller

Описание к видео Afrolizer | Haywyre | Storyteller

So I just want to point something out here real quick...

Are my moves that impressive? No...Did I do anything spectacular here? Not really.

If you watched my latest breakdown video here on YouTube or on my Instagram, you'll be familiar with what I'm about to share here.

Your moves don't have to be spectacular in order to achieve a desirable result in your freestyles.

Frankly, it was cold and super late at night when I recorded this. I was incredibly tired and I had already danced to several songs before this, so I had no inspiration or energy to pull off amazing moves.

On top of that, as much as I wanted to glide, the concrete there was extra grabby and made even basic footwork harder than usual.

BUT! Even with uninspired, lackluster moves I was able to pull this off SOLELY because I made my moves fall within the beats I wanted to hit.

If I tried going all over the place, doing too much, or missing the beats entirely, it would have been much less appealing.

This is why I always tell my dance students to focus on simplifying their moves before they start over complicating things -- staying on beat instead of trying to use every move in their tool belt.

"When in doubt, lean out," as Jason Capital likes to say.
This applies just as much in your freestyles.

If you missed my last breakdown video where I explain in more detail this concept of simplifying your moves to create cleaner freestyles, then check it out here:    • Afrolizer Dance Breakdown Series: Ove...  

And don't forget to grab your FREE Dance Hack Cheatsheet where I share 3 of my biggest freestyle tips with you ;)


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