Reaction To Wrestling Stories: The Legend Of Haku Meng Tonga | WWE | WCW |THE WOLF HUNTERZ REACTIONS

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wrestling stories: the legend of haku
   • TheLegendOfHaku  
Greetings once again! we've all heard stories about movie stars, musicians from every genre, even royalty and the out of the ordinary things they can get up to at times. but have you ever heard stories about professional wrestlers? IF NOT, THEN YOU'RE IN FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT. tHE SUBJECT OF TODAY'S VIDEO IS A MAN BY THE NAME OF TONGA Fifita (pronounced Feh-feet-ah). a person i find fascinating and would love to see a movie or tv mini series based on his life. he's from the island of tonga in the south pacific. he was hand picked by the king of tonga along with 5 others to represent their island in Japanese sumo wrestling in the 70s. a few years later he transitioned into professional wrestling. first in japan then coming to America where he wrestled for both wwe and wcw under the names haku (wwe) and meng (wcw). so if you hear tonga, haku, or meng it's all the same person. while never becoming a house hold name, he had a career any wrestler would be proud of. He was once crowned "the king of wrestling"... well, of the bad guys anyway. he got to wrestle hulk hogan when he was champion in the 80s at the peak of hulkamania. He was once also co-holder of the tag team championship with his tag team partner, the 8th wonder of the world, andre the giant! currently his son is in wwe keeping the family legacy alive. however despite all these amazing accomplishments, and amazing stories that go with them, he is best known, especially among other wrestlers, for something else entirely.

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