Galaxy Acoustics introduction

Описание к видео Galaxy Acoustics introduction

What do you think is most important: Good speakers or good acoustics?

Of course everybody will say that the quality of the sound is dependent on the speakers, but most are very surprised at how much better the same speaker can sound in a good acoustically treated environment. This is because the vast majority of what we hear are all the 3D reflections around us, which are caused by the acoustical characteristics of a room.

Driven by innovation and technology Galaxy Studios has been gaining experience in the field of sound and film for over 3 decades: a unique studio complex that holds the world record for highest insulation and linear absorption, the first ever API Vision 5.1 mixing console, and the Auro-3D immersive sound format. These are just a small portion of the innovations that happen within Galaxy Studios.

Now it's time to share our knowledge of sound with the world. It's time to launch Galaxy Acoustics. Readers might expect that this is only for professional applications, but it's astonishing, how with a small budget for acoustical treatment, the quality of the sound from speakers can be improved drastically. Moreover it gives a feel of comfort because the hearing system is much more sensitive for balanced sound than commonly believed.

Galaxy Acoustics is a collaboration between Wilfried Van Baelen, CEO of Galaxy Studios, Auro Technologies and Thierry Migeotte who is an award winning acoustician.

The goal of Galaxy Acoustics is to help individuals and businesses with the acoustic treatment of their rooms. No matter if it's a studio, cinema, restaurant, or meeting room. Galaxy Acoustics can help to achieve the ultimate sound environment suited for the specific needs of the client.

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