Mobius: Centrality Analysis Theory

Описание к видео Mobius: Centrality Analysis Theory

Performative Modelling, Part 1: Centrality Analysis Theory

* Centrality Analysis identifies certain nodes in the network as being more important. The importance of a node is calculated based on how it is connected to the other surrounding nodes.

* Centrality metrics aim to rank nodes, from most central to least central.

* Many different centrality metrics have been developed, each calculating centrality in different ways. The choice of metric to apply depends on the type of problem being investigated.

* The four centrality metrics explained in the course are:
* Degree Centrality counts the number of connections the node has.
* Closeness centrality calculates the sum of the distance to all other nodes. The distance between any pair of nodes is the sum of the weights along the shortest path.
* Harmonic Centrality the sum of the reciprocal of the distance to all other nodes. The distance between any pair of nodes is again the sum of the weights along the shortest path.
* Betweenness centrality counts the number of times a node is traversed by the shortest paths connecting other nodes.

More Information:

* Centrality Analysis (Wikipedia):

Möbius Modeller


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