Cardinal signs of inflammation: Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes

Описание к видео Cardinal signs of inflammation: Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes

There are five cardinal signs of inflammation.
Swelling, Pain, Redness, Heat and loss of function
Now we will see how eicosanoids especially prostaglandins and leukotrienes mediate these inflammatory signs.
Prostaglandins are released from endothelial and inflammatory cells such as macrophages or dendritic cells
They stimulate nerve endings producing a state of hyperalgesia
Which makes nerves more sensitive to painful stimuli.
In the blood vessels prostaglandins induce vasodilation
which is reflected as heat and redness at the site of inflammation
Additionally, prostaglandins increase blood flow and vascular permeability
Which result in increased leakage of fluids and inflammatory cells towards extravascular compartments
leading to edema formation
edema or swelling is the fourth cardinal sign of inflammation
Now we will discuss the fifth cardinal sign of inflammation which is loss of function, and the role of leukotrienes in mediating inflammatory process, in the respiratory pathways
Leukotrienes C4 and D4
Induce bronchoconstriction,
and enhance mucous production and accumulation in the respiratory pathways
Which negatively affect the respiratory functions
Additionally, they induce damage in the respiratory protective cilia


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