5 2 2024 PS vs MS MYR FT 7 Nikolay Shvab vs Francisco Rodriguez

Описание к видео 5 2 2024 PS vs MS MYR FT 7 Nikolay Shvab vs Francisco Rodriguez

Darkness falls across the land as the 8 O clock hour is close at hand, the smell of fear fills the room and someone`s 0 is near DOOM. As fans gather to see defeat the coaches prepare to continue their streak. 3-0 against 3-0 leaves room for only one undefeated foe. On April 20th of this year three other teams tried to dethrone the hometown favorites including last year's defending champions, New York City Attitude. As season two continues it is looking more and more like Bob Kahne and Team SMOKE is the team to beat.
Fast forwarding to go back in time to May 2, 2024, as team Miami Stealth comes into Philly unseen in order to give Team SMOKE their first loss. The new Miami put tension in the air at the weigh-ins the night before sending a message to Philly we are not going to just lay down and give you a win. With all the pushing and shoving on the scales you could cut the dislike between the two teams with a dull spoon, that is just how thick the air was going into the night’s fight.
The venue is ready, the ring is ready, the sanction is ready, the officials are ready, judges, doctors, teams, and fans are ready! Are you ready for this night of fights? With no further to do, join me and thousands of fans around the world in enjoying the sights and sounds of the new way of boxing. TCL brings you the war of wars, as Team Miami STEALTH comes into the house that Philly built to administer a hostile takeover on the team to beat in season #2 the Philadelphia SMOKE!


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